Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Transforming from fat to fit

In 2010, I, along with millions of other Baby Boomers, will be turning 50 (please allow me to pause and take a deep breath). I don't even understand how that happened, let alone how I managed to be fat throughout my entire 40s. And it's not just the, "I think this car makes my butt look big," or "These bangs make my face look fat." It's actually my doctor (who is no size 6 herself) looking at me sternly and saying, "Your weight puts you at high risk for diabetes, heart attacks and strokes."

My cholesterol numbers are where my credit score should be, my ass-ets are blooming beyond what I can charitably call the middle-aged spread (and who wants that anyway?) and I'm ready to go from fit to fat. Except I want to do it without changing anything I eat or starting to exercise. Can you relate?

The truth is, I am ready to stop whining and and start creating the body I want. A body that is strong, flexible and will support me when I am hiking, shopping or even carrying my groceries. Why is it that a bag filled with potato chips, dip and soda weighs a lot less than a bag filled with pesticide-free garbanzo beans? But I digress . . .

This blog is a cheap way to find encouragement from complete strangers. It is also a community where we can support each other, share best practices and find out what works for real people - how we can stregthen our bodies, our minds and our spirits together.

Are you ready to be fit by 50? Together we can do it! I have 55 weeks until I am 50 years old, which is about the number of pounds I need to lose. Join me in this transformation. Knowing that other people are checking on my progress might actually get me to bypass McDonald's. Knowing that you are getting fit by 50 too may keep me from picking up the Milano Double Chocolate cookies next time I'm at the grocery store (I like to hide them under the organic produce in case I run into anyone I know). Imagine what an impact we could make on our lives and the world if one million Baby Boomers committed to getting Fit by Fifty.

STRATEGY #1: Set an intent. Be very specific about what you want and how you are going to achieve it. Put it in writing and place it where you will see it many times a day. Example: "I choose to walk 15 minutes today and drink 8 oz. of water before every meal so I can be Fit by 50."Make tons of these. Put one on the bathroom mirror so you can see it as your trying to cover your excess with a towel. Put one on the box of cookies, cakes or other fun foods you've got in the house. Put one on the dashboard of your car.

AFFIRMATION #1: I am grateful for this amazing body that serves me in so many ways.

Affirmations are a powerful way to create what you want in your life. It's not enough to just say the affirmation, you've got to feel it. Feel the excitement, the joy, the passion as you are creating the life you want to live. Say this affirmation out loud until you feel its truth. Shout it until the neighbors think you are crazy. Say it while dancing around the living room. It's your life. Live out loud!


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